We are a team of volunteers dedicated to saving lives. Whether it's a lost child who wanders off from a campsite, a heart-attack victim out in the wilderness, an injured backpacker, snowmobiler or lost skier, this team of volunteers searches for, and rescues those lost and injured, at any time, in any weather, for as long as it takes, for FREE.
To be prepared for that, team members volunteer many hours to training, equipment maintenance and administrative duties. Providing the highest level of service requires training and equipment.
Funds to cover the cost of equipment, training and supplies comes from tax deductible donations by individuals, groups and corporations. When YOU and YOUR FRIENDS donate money to our team, it allows us to better equip our volunteers to do Search and Rescue for those in need.
There are many ways to support the Mono County Search and Rescue Team. The most popular is writing a check or donating money with your credit card. Your donation is tax-deductible under IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt rules.
Check donations can be mailed to:
Mono County SAR, P.O. Box 1954, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546-1954
Credit Card donations can be made by clicking on the "Donate With JustGiving" box:
If you would like more information about providing support for the team, please contact: Carole Schilz, Team President, at (760) 924-3779 or e-mail her by clicking here .
The team thanks all of the individuals and businesses who support us with their donations.
The Mono County Search and Rescue Team is an all volunteer group that will respond to anyone who needs our help, at any time day or night, free of charge. We have exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.