Richard Kauffman, 64, of Alamo, California, was disabled with lower back spasms, severe leg pain, and distal numbness, at his campsite near Crown Lake. A ground team hiked in, assessed the subject, and spent the remainder of the night with him. In the morning, the team transported Kauffman via wheeled litter to an appropriate landing zone, and CHP H80 flew the subject to Mammoth Lakes Hospital, where he was treated and released.
Getting Kauffman loaded into wheeled litter
Ready to move Kaufman to the landing zone
Making Kauffman comfortable while waiting for helicopter
Moving Kauffman across stream to landing zone
Moving Kauffman across stream to landing zone
Moving Kauffman across stream to landing zone
Moving Kauffman to landing zone
Arriving at the helicopter
Preparing to load Kauffman into the helicopter
Helicopter on its way