I may not know it all, but in my travels around this globe of ours, I have acquired some info I would like to pass on. On these cold winter days, I am reminded of the importance of warmth. Our clothing is a big part of this, but so is our food. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, however, if planning a winter outing keep your meals small.
Large meals will cause your blood to be shared with your digestive system, which will actually make your extremities colder. A full stomach also puts pressure on your diaphragm causing shortness of breath and robs oxygen from your blood, making muscles work harder. Who wants this when hefting a 40 pound pack?
The answer, snacks. Snacks that are high in carbohydrates will give you long lasting energy and will not put a strain on the blood system. Cereal bars and dried fruit make for great snacks. A personal favorite of mine is jalapeno bagels, loaded with carbs and protein, and the spices will have a warming effect on the body.
Hot liquids are also essential. Hot water and tea are best, as coffee and hot cocoa can act as a diuretic causing dehydration. A thermos or insulated water bottle holder will help keep it from freezing.
Food and water should be kept close to the body for easy access, and most importantly, to keep it from freezing. I have two chipped teeth from trying to eat a frozen power bar.
I hope that this will help keep you comfortably numb??? on chilly nights. Lets not forget to take something extra for the strangers we come across. A warm drink and an extra coat may turn a stranger into a friend.